Awards and Recognition

The meaning of Praiso
Praiso’s name is derived from high praise, AI and software. Our intention is that Praiso will become a pillar of safety, sustainability and compliance across the entire automotive industry.
Building the ecosystem for safe driving
Vehicle telematics has been around for several decades, starting with basic GPS tracking. But as sensors have evolved, so too has the data that’s collected. The latest generation of sensors capture real-time data, from driver behaviour and vehicle condition to temperature and location.
Frustratingly, all this data is not easily understood and the tools to quickly and continuously improve drivers' behaviour are reliant on traditional management and training techniques, prone to failure.

Join us
We're always on the look out for talented individuals to join the Praiso team and become an integral part of our success story. We have roles available in Marketing, Development, Sales and Operations.
If you'd like to be a part of something rather special, drop us a line for a chat.